In this page we will start our journey in Cisco Certified Network Associate , we will learn about the certification program about the contents .

WHO is this companie CISCO ?
CISCO is the debated inventor of router . This companie make networking devices . Now , they say anyone can make big boxes but we make the IOS (Internetwork Operating System) , this IOS runs all the big boxes .

It is a certification program created by CISCO .
This certifications are really valuable , these are industrial certification which is valid all over the world .
This is not like college degrees like as you get the college degrees you have that for your entire life , cisco realizes that technology many years ago is not same as now so, they make validity for the certifications the CCNA last for 3 years . And if  you take any of the certification within 3 years you will also get the validity extended of you CCNA for another 3 more years and the exam that you took will also get the validity according to the exam certificate validity .

Well there are two ways to get your CCNA , either you can go for the full CCNA (exam code: 200-125) exam or you can go for ICND-1 also called CCENT (exam code: 100-105) and ICND-2 (exam code: 200-105)
If you have a question in your mind that if I get the CCNA then will i also get  CCENT ?
No , you do not but nobody cares .